
ABC Arts: Megan Cope is building a living, breathing artwork on Minjerribah

Earlier this year, I travelled to Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) for several days with ABC Arts colleague producer Richard Mockler, to cover the next step in the latest project by acclaimed artist and Quandamooka woman Megan Cope.

Megan Cope planting oyster poles on Minjerribah in May 2022.

These three days, being on Country with Megan, talking with the other artists and subject matter experts collaborating with her to realise kinyingarra kuwinyamba, was a profoundly special experience - one I will never forget.

My article about Megan and her project, and the experience of being there, has just been published by ABC Arts here.

The story also ran on ABC TV’s Art Works this last week (available on iview) and is viewable via ABC Arts YouTube below.


Art Collector: Pull Focus interview with Abdul Abdullah & Abdul-Rahman Abdullah

I couldn’t say no to the opportunity to talk with Abdul Abdullah & Abdul-Rahman Abdullah for Art Collector’s Pull Focus series. These are two artists whose work I hugely admire and respect but it was their friendship and brotherly love - and their creative relationship - that was the biggest joy to learn more about. Their exhibition Peripheries is on at Moore Contemporary in Perth right now.