Arts Policy

A New Approach: Enduring Foundations, Bold Ambitions

Last week I was invited by the Australian arts and culture think-tank A New Approach to join the panel of their latest webinar. It was an invitation to share my insights into young people and the arts and what arts and culture policy settings Australia needs for the 21st Century ahead of the launch of their latest Analysis Paper.

I am a huge fan of the research and advocacy they’ve undertaken since launching earlier this year and their Insight Report into the attitudes of young middle Australians towards the arts was especially galvanising. Essential reading for anyone doubting the extraordinary sensitivity and understanding that young people have about the role that the arts can play in their lives.

According to ANA: “Australians are increasingly reporting that arts and culture are a critical and valued part of their life and are looking for policy leadership that recognises this. We also know that Australia’s arts and culture sector is at a crossroads. We now have a unique opportunity to shape the change being driven by Covid-19 and use strategic investment to transform and embolden our cultural landscape to serve our contemporary public.”

This Public Webinar was a first step in asking: So, how do we do this?

I had the immense privilege to join Rupert Myer AO, ANA’s Director Kate Fielding, Professor John Daley AM and Cara Kirkwood to reflect on this question and the insights we took from their latest paper.

Clockwise from top left: Kate Fielding, CEO, A New Approach; Cara Kirkwood, Head of Indigenous Engagement & Strategy, National Gallery of Australia; Professor John Daley AM; me.